Drone Photography around East Sussex
Why choose The High Ground?
Our Drone PhotographyCorned beef elit duis mollit, ullamco pastrami tri-tip velit anim pancetta adipisicing officia sunt sed. Quis pork chop |
Drone Photos & VideosShank tenderloin laboris shoulder enim, capicola anim meatloaf tongue et deserunt. Quis pork chop deserunt commodo pork. |
Our PricingMinim in cupim sed occaecat ullamco ribeye chicken nulla salami doner dolore bacon prosciutto. Dolor fatback. |
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Video And Photography From The Higher Ground
Photographs, both monochrome and color, can be captured and displayed through two side-by-side images that emulate human stereoscopic vision. Stereoscopic photography was the first that captured figures in motion. While known colloquially as "3-D" photography, the more accurate term is stereoscopy. Such cameras have long been realized by using film and more recently in digital electronic methods (including cell phone cameras).
Dualphotography consists of photographing a scene from both sides of a photographic device at once (e.g. camera for back-to-back dualphotography, or two networked cameras for portal-plane dualphotography). The dualphoto apparatus can be used to simultaneously capture both the subject and the photographer, or both sides of a geographical place at once, thus adding a supplementary narrative layer to that of a single image.
Ultraviolet and infrared films have been available for many decades and employed in a variety of photographic avenues since the 1960s. New technological trends in digital photography have opened a new direction in full spectrum photography, where careful filtering choices across the ultraviolet, visible and infrared lead to new artistic visions.
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 6.30
Weekends by appointment
01273 606755
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